Training Pet Parrots at Home

Keep it Positive
It is very important for the success. There are three principles for parrot training:
1. If your parrot does something well--> give him a reward
2. If he does something unwell--> ignore it
3. Never punish your parrot
In training parrots process your goal is simple- if your parrot behaves the proper way, give him a reward like a favorite food treat or a play session and ignore for bad things. Also even a simple praise or a treasured toy are good motivation for some birds. Do not forget to ignore the bird if the parrot is doing something undesirable. A negative reaction is also attention so if your parrot desires your attention he will accept it as a reward. He may think that negative attention is better than no attention. Ignoring is much better decision and the undesirable behavior will stop soon. This bellow is what your approach training has to be in order to keep the process positive:
• Train your bird only when you feel relaxed because the training takes patience!
• Choose a time when your bird is attentive and not distracted by preening, eating, or household activities.
• Short, frequent training sessions like a few minutes at a time divided into several times a day are more effective.
• Pick a particularly favorite reward
• When your bird does something well, don't give a treat every time otherwise your bird will do it if you have a treat handy.
• End every session on a positive way like giving a treat for a good try or a successful attempt, and move on to something else.
• Training sessions should be funny for your bird.
Very Basic Training Parrots: Step Up and Step Down
Choose one or two things to teach your parrot. They could be training your parrot to step up onto your wrist or finger or even a perch which you are holding in your hand on command, and then he has to step back off again. These are easy but important skills to teach. Stepping up on command is generally easy to train as it is a natural movement for a bird (stepping down is a bit more difficult to teach).
If you teach your bird to step up and step down on command it will make handling much easier and you will be able to set some boundaries for your bird. Then you can return the bird back to its play-gym or cage or remove him easily from areas of home that are not bird-proofed. Even if you have a baby bird to start early with the step up and step down commands is still a good idea. It allows you to give lots of positive reinforcement and it is a good foundation for training your parrots into more skills to in the future.
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